*When visiting our headquarters office in Dallas, please note that we are not located in the towers at the Galleria. We are north of the Galleria, between Alpha and Spring Valley roads.
NOTICE. While we want to hear from you, we cannot represent you until we know that doing so will not create a conflict of interest. Accordingly, please do not send us any information that you consider confidential or privileged about any matter that may involve you until you receive a written statement from us that we represent you (an “engagement letter”).
The best way for you to contact us concerning a possible representation is to call us at 972.392.8900 or to email us at information@griffithdavison.com. We will first take you through our conflict-of-interest procedure and see that you are put in touch with the lawyer best suited to handle your matter. Once you have received an engagement letter from that lawyer, you will be our client and we may exchange information freely.